Quantum teleportation is the sending of a quantum state from a transmitter to a receiver. It is a phenomenon that we are classically accustomed to by definition until now. But, as the name suggests, quantum teleportation takes advantage of the strange properties of the quantum.
The first emergence of today's quantum teleportation phenomenon was with the article "Teleporting an Unknown Quantum State via Dual Classical and Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Channels" published in 1993. This famous article was published by Cherles H. Bennett et al. In the article, the mathematical possibility of quantum teleportation has been proven.
Since then, many quantum teleportation protocols have been developed. Generally speaking, let Alice be the transmitter, Bob the receiver, and Source the setter. Let Source superposition the two qubits to be transmitted and give the qubits in this state to Alice. Let Alice entanglement her own particle with the particle she received from Source and send it to Bob through classical channels. Bob, on the other hand, performs some operations on the particle previously sent from the Source according to these bits he received from Alice and finally performs the measurement. In this case, there are two events encountered.
2) With Bob's measurement, the quantum information in Alice was formed in Bob.
Here are some points to note. First, a physical object is not sent, which we classically perceive in quantum teleportation. What is sent is the quantum information of the quantum particle.
Another important point is that when the receiver measured the beamed information, the information of the particles that Alice had in her hand at first disappeared. In fact, the information contained, not the particles themselves, was teleported. As a result of my no-copy theory, the information in Alice disappeared without being copied.
We can perceive this event more easily by making a classical analogy. For example, you have a glass in your hand and you want to teleport it to your friend. What you have to do is break the glass and then teleport it. This glass will be formed again in your friend's hand, but with the only difference, it will be re-synthesized according to the breaking information of the glass you broke, not the real glass you hold in your friend's hand. In other words, the information about the breaking will be transmitted.
It may still sound complicated. However, in the following sections, I will write an explanation of this phenomenon through mathematics and algorithms.
Stay with curious. :)
C. H. Bennett, et al. (1993). Teleporting An Unknown Quantum State Via Dual Classical And Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Channels. Physical Review Letters, sf: 1895. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.70.1895.
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