Classic NOT Gate:
The NOT gate converts bit 0 to bit 1 and bit 1 to bit 0.
Sigma X Gate:
The X gate, also known as the Pauli X matrix, also refers to the NOT gate.
The X matrix and the expressions |0> and |1> are as follows.
If we make the X gate act on the qubits |0> and |1>;
In general, if we write;
For example, let's draw a 2-qubit circuit;
Sigma Z Gate:
The Pauli Z gate does not change the result when it acts on the |0> qubit. However, when it acts on the |1> qubit, it changes phase, that is, it introduces a minus sign.
If we make the Z gate act on the qubits |0> and |1>;
Sigma Y Gate:
If we make the Y gate act on the qubits |0> and |1>;
Hadamard Gate:
The Hadamard gate [H] is used to superposition our qubit.
If we make the H gate act on the qubits |0> and |1>;
The gates you've read so far were single qubit gates. However, the CNOT gate we will see now is used for multiple qubits.
CNOT (Controlled NOT) Gate:
Notation of CNOT;
There are two states at the CNOT gate:
Case 1: If the first qubit is |0> it does nothing to the second qubit.
Case 2: If the first qubit is |1>, it modifies the second qubit. That is if the second qubit is |0> it makes |1>, if |1> makes |0>.